If you are a Central States’ retiree, please participate in the Central States' Pension Fund Rescue Plan Town Hall meeting this Thursday, October 15 at 6PM ET/5PM CST.
During this meeting CPSF will present a video and answer questions about the proposed cuts and host a question/answer period.
Participate by visiting http://www.cspensionrescue.com/townhall or by calling 1-877-327-9495 (passcode 111566).
"I encourage every retiree in the Central States pension plan to participate in this town hall meeting on Thursday at 6PM eastern time," said Local 391 President Mike McGaha. "As Local 391 continues to oppose these proposed cuts by Central States, it's important that we are as knowledgeable on the issues these pensions face so that we can be constructive and helpful in finding a solution. We need everyone on board."
The proposed cuts by Central States was a topic of discussion at Saturday's membership meeting in Greensboro and will be a topic of discussion in Raleigh this Saturday.
In the meantime, here are some links that may be helpful to Local 391 members possibly effected by the proposed cuts:
Video explanation produced by Central States on the rescue plan proposed.
Frequenly asked questions about the Central States rescue plan proposal.
Keep Our Pension Promises Act of 2015 legislation backed by the Teamsters to protect pension holders from proposed cuts.
North Carolina's delegation to Congress. Take the time to ask your representatives in Congress to support the Keep Our Pension Promises Act of 2015. Use the clickable links for telephone numbers, which is more effective than email.