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  • US Foods Workers Join Local 391
    Updated On: Nov 316, 2021

    Drivers at US Foods in North Carolina have voted overwhelmingly to join Teamsters Local 391. The mail-in ballots were counted on Tuesday, October 26. Drivers at the seven outstations or “drop yards” serviced by the warehouse in Charlotte voted 41 to 24 to join Local 391. There are 87 workers in the bargaining unit.

    “The workers are seeking fair pay, improved health insurance and respect on the job,” said Mike McGaha, President of Local 391. “We look forward to working with the drivers to negotiate a first contract that addresses their concerns.”

    This victory is the latest in many at US Foods. In late September 2020, 110 workers at US Foods in Manassas, Va. voted to join Local 355. In mid-October, 2020, a group of 68 warehouse workers at US Foods in Fontana, Calif. voted to join Local 63, six weeks after a group of 57 drivers at the same facility voted to join the union.

    Also in October, 2020, workers at US Foods and Sysco in Southern California ratified contracts that contain historic increases in wages and pension-benefit contributions. 

  • Teamsters Local 391

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